
Tea Forte Monthly


Tea Forte Monthly is a quarterly subscription service that would provide themed teas centralized around certain countries in the world.
The goal of this product is to culturally enrich and educate the consumer who wishes to learn more about the world around them.
This product was created as an entry for the 2018 Paperboard Packaging Alliance contest and designed and developed by myself along with Graphic Designer, Emma Fleming, and Product Designer, TszYan Yencer.



For the task, we were given the choice to design a subscription box for one of three categories: snacks, fitness products, or cosmetics. Ultimately, we decided to design a tea subscription box (a variant on snacks) because of its current rising popularity among millennials and young adults.
With a topic chosen, we started ideation for the three inner packages and the shipping container that will hold them.
We were greatly inspired by the Mystery Box from Google because of the intricate shape of each package and the modular experience it gave while opening. Pursuing this, we sketched variations of puzzle-like boxes that would fit evenly in the shipper.



We started by sketching different ideations for the composition of the package. Basic guidelines we had to follow were that the package had to be made up of
three different components and have some sort of interactivity. Following our moodboard and initial thoughts, we created packages that could fit
into each other in puzzle-like shapes that would best represent the product that would be going inside.


Dieline Design

Artboard 6.png
Artboard 7.png
Artboard 8.png
Artboard 1.png
Artboard 9.png

Final Product


What I learned

This process taught me a lot about the process that goes into designing a product and the importance of efficiency when it comes to research and execution. Especially when working with people from different backgrounds and disciplines, communication is vital to ensure that the process goes as smoothly as possible.